n20=.Smell:/describe # smells a weird stench | /msg # I wonder what it could it be? | /kick # $$1 Damn You stink! Wεld⌐─T-ºór|pt
n21=.Damn Pervert:/msg # $nick is a pervert! | /kick # $$1 You damn perv...get a women! Wεld⌐─T-ºór|pt
n22=.Nerves:/msg # $nick is getting on my last nerves, well better do something about it. | /kick # $$1 Damn homo. Wεld⌐─T-ºór|pt
n23=.:/kick # $$1 Adios Dork. Wεld⌐─T-ºór|pt
n24=.Regular Kick:/kick # $$1 Wεld⌐─T-ºór|pt
n26=.Invite to channel:/invite $$1 $?="Enter channel to invite person to."
n27=.Mass Invite:/invite $* $$1 $?="Enter channel to invite people to."
n29=Send CTCP
n30=.Ping:/ctcp $$1 ping
n31=.Finger:/ctcp $$1 finger
n32=.Version:/ctcp $$1 version
n33=.Time:/ctcp $$1 time
n34=.Userinfo:/ctcp $$1 userinfo
n35=.ClientInfo:/ctcp $$1 clientinfo
n36=Send DCC
n37=.Send:/dcc send $$1
n38=.Chat:/dcc chat $$1
n41=.Public Mass Message:/msg $* [Mass Message] $?="Type message here."
n42=.Private Mass Message:/msg $* $?="Type Here."
n44=.Ignore:/ignore $$* | /msg $nick $upper($nick), You have been added to the ignore list of $me ÖÖ REASON: ÖÖ $?="Enter reason" ÖÖ | /msg # $upper($$1) Has been added to the IGNORE list of Grifter.
n45=.Remove:/msg # $upper($$1) has been removed from the IGNORE list of $me! $upper($$1) is lucky. | /ignore -r $$1
n47=.Set Away:/set %awaytime $time | /timer1 0 120 /ame is away! ---> $?="Type away message" <--- I have been away since %awaytime <<Wεld⌐─T-ºór|pt>> | //nick $me_away | /away $! | /ame is now away! ---> $! <--- | /enable #away
n48=.Set Back:/nick $?="Enter your NickName" | /ame is back! Wεld⌐─T-ºór|pt | /away | /timer1 off | /disable #away
n50=Talk Smack!
n51=.PimpSlap:/me pimpslaps $$1 around a bit.
n52=.Kick:/me kicks $?="Enter Person to kick" in the nads.
n53=.Bop:/me bops $?="Enter Person to bop" cause he's actin like a dork.
n54=.Dork:/me calls $?="Enter Person to call a dork." a damn dork .
n55=.Shoot:/me shoots $?="Enter Person to Shoot" and sings Bullet In The Head by RATM.
n56=.Push:/me pushes $?="Enter Person to Push" cause he's talkin smack, fewl.
n58=.Master Flood
n59=..Start:/raw -q privmsg $1 :DCC CHAT CHAT 3453550597 19 | /echo 4 $active Flooding $$1... You won't be able to tell.